Thursday, 27 May 2010

A first for Cumbrian news

Today I launched the first mobile news website for Cumbria, is now available is a specially designed, easy to use version for your smart mobile phone.

When you are out and about, especially in a rural area like Cumbria you tend to have your mobile phone with you at all times – and the laptop stays at home.

This is why we decided to create the mobile version of one of our websites – and we hope to replicate it for the Eden Valley Messenger later this year.

The story has been covered by the industry website How Do already, and we only launched today, May 27, 2010.

Accessing the internet and picking up emails is just so much easier with an iPhone – there’s no plugging in the computer and waiting for it to come to life. The mobile is always on, always ready and quick use.

The mobile phone is one of the few things that has got quicker to use with new technology. The TV takes forever to come to life while it tries to find the satellite signal, the radio now digital is the same and the energy saving bulbs still have a delay.

I use to joke about how we use to have to turn the TV on five minutes before a programme started to let the valve warm up. It seemed such an old fashioned thing to do when we got our first big TV with the remote control. But now I say the same thing to my daughter, turn it on now to give the box time to warm up or we’ll miss the first five minutes of Emmerdale.

But one thing that is improving is mobile communications, so take a look at the new mobile site and give us your feedback. Email your comments to

Here's the link to a video about the new mobile news service:

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